My name is Cari, welcome to my piece of the interwebs! I am a mom, grammy, foodie, genealogist, musician, have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, & am a project manager.
From a young age, I learned to associate any “good time” with food. All of my fun memories include food: holiday meals, birthday celebrations, learning to make stew and biscuits with my great grandmother, teaching my son to ice cupcakes, even something as mundane as a weeknight family dinner.
For a long time, I tried to reverse that thinking. I tried to make healthier dishes, not partake in what was being cooked for holiday meals, or disassociate family fun from eating. What I found was that it was impossible; trying not to focus on food actually made me focus more on food. Plus, those fun times got a whole lot less fun.
So now I’m embracing the link between food & human connection. I want to jump in with both feet; not only by examining my own family connections, but by examining the American Dinner Experience. Who knows? Maybe I’ll get to share a table with you sometime soon!